

MD seal on my certificate missing, Disp won't accept.


Arthritis and migraines

"CBD (indica and sativa) tinctures have not worked at all for arthritis. How much is too much tincture? I’m new to this so need a …


Why do people vape marijuana instead of smoke it?

"Seems easier and less expensive to just roll your own. What am I missing?" Actually, HelloMD.com website has a great videos on vaping if you …

Medicinal Cannabis

Do I need to remain a medical patient after Prop64?

"If the benefit of being a patient is solely the break on the 7.25% State tax – yet it will cost a $100 State registration …


I've tried this… well, my wife has… to absolutely no effect. Is this normal?

"(We made it to our 40s with no THC consumption and now it seems to have zero effect in any form — specifically with Foria… …

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