

The 5 Best Medical Marijuana Products for Migraines in New York

Suppose you can relate to the pulsating pain, light sensitivity, and general debilitation that comes with regular migraines. In that case, you’re joining a group …


Cannabis and Migraines: 3 Popular Questions Answered

Migraines are extremely painful and disrupt the lives of millions of people every day. Typically, a migraine will cause throbbing pain on one or both …


Microdosing: The Big New Trend

Microdosing Product Reviews I love to microdose cannabis! In a series of upcoming blog posts I will review several new microdosed products that have recently …


Accurate Dosing with CBD & THC

Creating a Desired Outcome For years we’ve been conditioned to buy health and wellness products based on a desired outcome. We know ahead of time …