

3 Popular Questions About Marijuana & Microdosing Answered

Without question one of the hottest cannabis trends in recent years is microdosing. This refers to the practice of consuming low doses of cannabis at …


CBD dosing

“I am just starting to experiment with CBD. The product I have “Wonder MTC” is 25:1 CBD to THC. How many drops would be a …


Microdosing Cannabis Stopped My Chronic Pain

My own experience with microdosing completely changed how I consume medical cannabis. After suffering for years from chronic pain due to intense migraines and fibromyalgia, …


Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Prevent Migraines

Pamela Hadfield, the co-founder of HelloMD, suffered from “head-splitting” migraines that would leave her in bed for days, beginning when she was 14. She was …


Microdosing: A Better Way to Take Cannabis?

When you’re seeking the health benefits of THC, less just might be more. MIcrodosing – taking very small, “sub-therapeutic” amounts of psychedelic substances like marijuana …


In dispensaries, I feel workers push the high mg products for relief. Is there research on microdosing?

HelloMD has an article on micro dosing..check it out https://www.hellomd.dev/health-wellness/578da024fdc17e000700019d/microdosing-cannabis-stopped-my-chronic-pain! PiantaTinta


How long do you wait between doses when microdosing?

“I don’t know my tolerance yet. I tried the Kiva Petra Mints yesterday; but I believe 1/2 dose of Kiva Choc made me sick the …


Microdosing: Kiva Confections Petra Mint Review

Microdosing is what some people consider the next wave of cannabis consumption and perhaps even the future of modern day consumption. The basic principle is …


What sort of experience is there with prostate cancer and microdosing?

If you are asking if there is any evidence that micro dosing can “cure” prostate cancer I would have to say no. However if there …


Microdosing: CannaAthlete's Activation Spray Product Review

Microdosing: The Hot Cannabis Trend Microdosing is one of the biggest new trends in cannabis, and I’m possibly its number one fan. Microdosing started as …


How do the hmbdlt pens differ from others of the market?

“I’m hearing a lot of buzz around these pens, but I’m not sure why…” Sean P. Hi there! hmbldt is different for two key reasons: …

dry addiction pot leaf

What is the theory behind micro-dosing?

“I have heard budtenders in my dispensary talk about taking small amounts of edibles throughout the day. What is the theory behind talking small amounts …