Medical Marijuana


Does cannabis heighten or decrease your sex drive?

"I’ve started using marijuana in the bedroom with my partner but before we explore our options further I want to make sure cannabis won’t affect …


What Are the Best Marijuana Products To Use For Sex?

“I recently got married and want to spice up my sex life with my partner. We’re both frequent cannabis users so we thought it could …


How can I use cannabis during sex?

”I want to start using cannabis in the bedroom but I don’t have any prior knowledge on this, any suggestions?” Bella K. Many people believe …


Cannabis and Male Sexual Performance

Most people wouldn’t assume that cannabis is the secret to helping men become Don Juan in the bedroom, but it may be time to think …

Medical Marijuana

Can you overdose or die from consuming too much weed?

“I’m a new user of weed and am really into it for health and recreational uses. I’m worried though about overdoing it. What are the …


Can medical marijuana help me relax before sex?

“I’ve got to admit that I sometimes get a bit nervous before having sex. I like to unwind first but want to know if weed …


Does THC increase dopamine in cannabis users?

“I’m a longtime user of weed. It helps me with mood issues like depression and anxiety, and keeps me on an even keel. I’m wondering …

Medical Marijuana

What are the best Ohio medical marijuana companies?

“I’m moving to Ohio from California and I am a bit concerned about the state of weed culture there. I know, for example, that medical …


The Top 5 Medical Marijuana Products for Chronic Pain in Louisiana

More people seek medical help for chronic pain than any other condition. There are holistic therapies available to provide pain relief, but many people are …


The Top 5 Medical Marijuana Products for Sleep in Louisiana

Fighting insomnia is one of the top uses of medical marijuana. According to the NIH, about 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders. Since …


The 5 Best Medical Marijuana Edibles in Ohio

Edibles are a user-friendly way to consume cannabis for new and experienced medical marijuana patients. But, you’ve probably heard at least one unfortunate story of …


The 5 Best Medical Marijuana Products for PTSD in Ohio

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder people develop after they experience or witness a traumatic event. In the United States, around 15 …

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