

how do i obtain a maryland crd


Will XTERNAL products be available in Maryland?

Hi there! I would suggest contacting them directly, here: Hope that helps! melissa


How can I find a doctor in Maryland who will prescribe to me?

You may ask your provider to register in the Provider’s Registry​ on the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission Registry website. Or, you may contact a Medical …


How do I make a purchase? I'm 19 with a Maryland drivers liscense.


I am in Maryland traveling to Lake Tahoe. How would I qualify for a card on-line ?

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be a CA resident, nor do you need to have a CA ID. As long as …


Can I purchase doctor approved canabidiol oil or edibles if I live in Maryland?

Maryland allows for medicinal use for ‘debilitating conditions’. This is a list of what may qualify you: "A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition …

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