

Can prescriptions be provided for Marinol?

"Can HelloMD provide prescriptions for Marinol?" Hi there! The only difference between Marinol and THC from cannabis, is that Marinol is synthesized in a laboratory: …


Is the dosing for Marinol the same as it is for edibles?

Hello, and thank you for the great question. First and foremost, I see absolutely no reason to use marinol – when natural cannabis is available …


Is the dosing for Marinol the same as the doing for etible


I'm in Missouri. What type of cannabis can I obtain legally?

"I have nausea pain migraines neck fusion 3 cerebral brain aneurysms fibromyalgoa and etc.I live in Missouri and was on marinol 2.5 , twice a …


Hello I hope someone can answer a question for me.

"I recently got diagnosed with cancer I work at a Indian Gaming Casino and they go by federal laws and do urine drug tests. I …


My Dad, recovering from chemotherapy, asked his doctor for cannabis treatment and got prescribed Marinol

"and it’s not working. Marinol (aka: Dronabinol – the active ingredient) is a synthetic version of THC and is often prescribed to combat nausea and/or …


I heard that most cancer patients die of malnutrition. Is this true?

"Is it better to take a drug like Marinol, or is smoking bud just as good?" Firstly not all cancers kill you. More then 50% …


Is there any similarity between "Marinol" & CBD? Or is Marinol a Synthetic form of THC?

You are correct in that Marinol (dranabinol) is synthetic THC. It is prescribed most commonly for nausea & poor appetite associated with chemotherapy and AIDS. …

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