Lung Cancer


can you vape with lung cancer?

Hello, I’m really sorry to hear about your diagnosis. While there are no studies involving the matter, I strongly recommend that you abstain from vaporizing …


Hi There,

"My Mums recently been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, it’s pretty far along and so I’ve been researching for days. I’m looking at starting …


Can a stage 4 non-smoking lung cancer patient in pain use a vape pen? Very clean med only. I need help!

Sorry to hear about your situation. I’m not sure how your lungs are handling the vap or smoke. If you haven’t explored taking whole plant …


With regards to a new diagnose of lung in-situ carcinoma which cannabis to use? I

"Possible lung cancer or pre cancer–without chemo or radiation treatments" I would start with a high CBD whole plant tincture and a Rick Simpson oil. …


I have just been diagnosed with lung cancer. Will the cannabis treatment have any bad affects during Chemo.

Sorry about the news, I’m sure that was difficult to hear! From my experience of seeing my aunt go through the lung cancer treatments wih …


How do I get a Medical Marijuana card for a relative with terminal lung cancer

You should have your friend create an account with us under his / her name and we can connect them with a doctor. If they …


How do I get medical majuana on behalf of someone else?

"I have a brother in a condition of home hospice who is in considerable pain from terminal lung cancer. He would like to try medical …