

What is the equivalent dosage cbt oil to 10 mg Lexapro? How long should I be off Lexapro before starting Cbt oil? Is it safe to take can’t oil with sim vista tin and melatonin?

Hi there! There is preliminary research showing that low doses of cannabis activate serotonergic neurons, thereby increasing serotonin—and has even been shown to exert potent …


Is it safe to take cannabis oil and Lexapro at the same time?

It is safe to use cannabis with Lexapro. Possible effects that may occur in conjunction are: Lexapro, a SSRI, may increase the affect and duration …


Can I take Cannabis CBD Oil and lexapro (10Mg) together?

The answer is maybe, yes and no. Depending on why you are taking Lexapro and for how long, it is a question best discussed between …

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