

I would like to get some help with the pain in my right foot and left leg (knee)

For nighttime pain and sleep I would recommend a CBD:THC ratio of 1:1 that you can find in tincture, vape, and spray forms. In addition …


With diffuse glioma (brain tumor)and symptom of weak muscles, will SRO help?

"My husband went from Texas to San Diego; got SRO MMJ. Had trouble walking onto the plane–finally managed with help. On the first day in …


how do i investigate if medical majijuana would help my restless leg syndrome?

Many patients with restless leg state that cannabis helps alleviate the uncomfortable sensations that cause them to move their legs and that they experience less …


Willis / Ekbom Disease

"If I am "lucky" I manage to sleep 2 or 3 hours a night; at times I sleep one night in three. Willis / Ekbom …


Would you please recommend something for my longhair, senior dachshund

"He suffers from severe anxiety with wheezing, chronic itchy rash and hind leg dysplasia" Poor puppy! I’d love to see him try out our CBD …


I take Welbutrin (200 mg) a day, does this interfere with taking a CBD tincture for Restless Leg Syndrome?

CBD and THC are not metabolized by the same enzymes used to metabolize Wellbutrin so you should not encounter any interactions between them. drfrye


What do you recommend for restless leg syndrome?

As yet, there’s no real research on RLS and cannabis use, but cannabis research has shown that cannabinoids help with muscle spasticity — not exactly …


After hip surgery I have intense nerve pain down my leg. High THC exacerbates the pain. I want a solution.

"I want to use marijuana instead of narcotics but I am very sensitive to THC. It often makes pain worse and causes anxiety for me. …


Can smoking marijuana help with phantom limb or is there a better way to take it?

"I’m a a leg amputee suffering from phantom limb. I’d like to know how to take marijuana so that the discomfort will go away." Phantom …


What kind of topical or product should I use for my condition?

"I have an autoimmune disease called eosinophillic fasciitis. It is a tightening of the fascia in my hands and lower legs with joint and bone …


I suffer from osteoarthritis, anxiety and restless leg syndrome. I want to get off drugs. I'm 78 yrs old.

" I want to remove chemicals from my maintenance program and try alternatives. I need help!" You very likely are suffering from vitamin and mineral …


I suffer from psoriasis. Can you recommend cannabis products that could help?

"I’ve suffered from psoriasis for several years (I’m a 28 year old woman). It’s on my legs and stomach and it’s really uncomfortable and looks …