

Will THC or CBD help me cope with Restless Leg Syndrome?

Yes cannabis can be helpful in treating restless leg syndrome. I have personally spoken with many patients who have experienced relief from RLS and insomnia …


My diagnosis is "mild" cerebral palsy

"My diagnosis is "mild" cerebral palsy; some symptoms are like fibromyalgia. In addition: muscle spasms, chronic pain, leg weakness, difficulty sleeping. In my four years …


I am having spine nerve pain that teaches into my left leg and knee and is quite severe.

"Is their a CBD oil/vap product that could help this condition?" Yes cannabis is very helpful for neuropathic pain. I would try a sublingual tincture …


Remicade and Cannabis interactions.

"Hello, my mother has a rare form of sarcoidosis in her spine. The virus has greatly weakened her ability to use her legs and get …


I prefer to use a vape pen but need to know which oils are best for Restless Leg Syndrome.

"Or is there something else to help with RLS" I’m going to start this off by saying I’m not a doctor, and you should always …


I have severe lower back pain which radiates down my legs giving me muscle spasms. Can cannabis help?

Sounds as though your sciatic nerve is acting up. I would suggest an indication. Indicas are great muscle relaxers, also serve as a great pain …


I am interested in getting a topical oil that I can apply directly to my leg and hip to alieviate

"the pain that I cannot control?" Sorry to hear about your pain! Sweet Releaf (https://www.getsweetreleaf.com) makes a fantastic topical that can be applied to your …


THC for multiple sclerosis?

"my mom was diagnosed with ms 17 years ago, she has 80% damage to both of her legs and has been taking pills to relief …


What type of cannabis should I take for restless leg syndrome?

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease and sometimes referred to as a periodic limb movement disorder or (PMLS). The key features …


I have severe menopausal insomnia, with restless leg syndrome. Can CBD give me some relief?

"What can you suggest?" I would try a CBD rich whole plant cannabis tincture with a high ratio of CBD (and some level of THC). …


I am diagnosed with Adhesive Arrachnoiditis.

"From some research I found out that Epidural injections are the cause. I had an Epidural injection in 2008 and 2010. When I complained about …


I have significant lumbar pain that radiates down both legs front & back, is there a strain of med marijuana that will give me relief?

As you think about which strain, you should first consider your tolerance / propensity for psychoactivity. Both THC, and CBD can be helpful for pain, …