

Do cannabis transdermal patches work for chronic pain of the leg and hip muscle?

Yes transdermal patches are great for chronic pain. Topical creams may be better for you since your pain is more localized. I am quoting from …


How can i get a medical marijuana card in P.a for my cronic pain in my legs i tried the oil cartrages


Does CBD help with constant pain from copd. Pain in hips,neck,back and legs pain?

Hello! Yes cannabis can help decrease chronic pain. I would recommend to try a 1:1 CBD to THC sublingual tincture and a topical salve. Rub …


Can CBC help manage the chronic pain from obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

"I have constant pain in back and hips and legs." The ideal treatment for chronic pain is a 1:1 CBD/THC, and in your case, I …


Can marijuana help relieve neuropathic pain?

"I was wondering if any products would benefit my pain" Medical marijuana is approved for neuropathic pain in New York and studies have shown that …

Breast Cancer

Should I stop using cannabis oil if it's making my pain worse?

"I have breast cancer and have pain in my leg as a result. Whenever I use cannabis oil, my leg seems to hurt more. Should …


Recommendations for S/I joint pain and psoas/illiacus pain?

"I have had 3 spinal injections and am feeling a bit desperate, due to severe psoas/illiacus pain when I wake up (3-4 hours) and ongoing …


What cannabis product helps restless leg syndrome?

High CBD products as well as Indica strain will help with restless leg syndrome. Both will help your muscles to relax and I would recommend …


Question about husband's neuropathy in legs and feet

"Just read this article. Very interested in this for my husband who has severe neuropathy in both feet (knee down on both) and has tingling …


What marijuana strain would you recommend to help with restless leg syndrome?

RLS is is a neurological disorder that about 10% of the US population suffer from. I have personally found relief by taking a high CBD …


Hi.I suffer from severe Chronic psoriasis as well as slow progressive atrophy in my right leg due to nerve

"damage. Will Hemp CBD such as Mary’s Patches be of any help to me. I am on the East Coast and so am not eligible …


What can I use for restless leg syndrome?

Cannabis is very helpful for RLS and the insomnia often associated with it. Try an indica strain or sleep specific product. Maybe a tincture with …