

My mother suffers from Parkinson's Disease and spinal stenosis

"Would you recommend a particular CBD product for relief of her pain (mostly back and leg pain)? Would you recommend adding THC to the CBD …


pinch nerve pain, in legs what do i need

While there is no best cannabis product, there is probably a best ratio of CBD:THC to suit your goals. Products with higher concentrations of CBD …


Leg cramps

"Hello, I get leg cramps while sleeping and with exercise. I have some back issues that are controlled with accupressure (pain gone) I don’t know …


I have continuous back pain with muscle spasm, restless legs and sciatic pain.

Hello, we have an article on cannabis providing some relief for muscle spasticity. As well, a few folks in the community, including our own MDs, …


Newbie edibles for cronic pain.

"I’ve never consume cannabis in any manner. I have been in horrible chronic pain after a leg bypass surgery period opiates are not working period …


Can full extract CBD oil cause dermatitis?

"I used this oil with success, removing basal cell on my arm and leg. Unfortunately, I used it on a keratosis near my aureola and …


What types of cannabis and ratios are people using for MS – Multiple Sclerosis?

"Symptoms: bilateral running leg pain from hips to feet; urine retention (cathing 5-6 times/day); weakness and pain in legs (constant), fatigue." Hi there! Please check …


Can I get this in capsules? At a good price?

"It would be easier for my brother to take as he is in a nursing care facility. He has a lot of shoulder and leg …


I have Vasculitis in my legs along with cryoglobulinemia.


Seeking advise on which cannibis product helps with sleep and leg cramps

"The leg cramps usually occur around 1 -2 am" Products that help with sleep really depend on your own chemistry and what works best for …


What is best for stenosis pain down the leg? Topical use only.

Any topical product you use will help relieve pain related to your muscles and superficial nerves. It does not penetrate well into a deep nerve …


Can using a transdermal marijuana patch on my hip and leg pain prevent needing a hip replacement?

"I need hip replacement and am too afraid..can these patches make it easier for me to walk more comfortably easing the pain?" Hello, Pain management …