Kiva Confections


Microdosing: Kiva Confections Petra Mint Review

Microdosing is what some people consider the next wave of cannabis consumption and perhaps even the future of modern day consumption. The basic principle is …


Arthritis and migraines

"CBD (indica and sativa) tinctures have not worked at all for arthritis. How much is too much tincture? I’m new to this so need a …


The HelloMD Holiday Survival Guide

’Tis the Season… The holidays are a mix of family, friends, laughter, expectation, warmth, drama, ups and downs and perhaps everything in between. Between all …


Is This the Perfect Marijuana Edible?

I don’t usually like marijuana edibles. Too sweet, too sticky, too large, poorly packaged, too slow to come on and unpredictable with their effect. Lately …

Kiva Confections

cost of kiva bars

We offer them for $20 a bar. I don’t know about other places.You can visit us at for more information. dneice


Top 4 Cannabis Edibles to Help Treat Insomnia

If you suffer from insomnia, you may have already tried vaping or smoking cannabis to help you get some z’s. But maybe you didn’t feel …


Technical information about extraction

"When extracting, what method do you use? I’ve never seen strains on the product just THC and CBD amounts by MG. I was curious if …

Kiva Confections

Which Kiva product is best for migraines?

"I get 15-20 migraines a month, so I’m hoping there’s a product I can consume that would decrease the frequency and also allow me to …


Synergistic effect

"Dear Kiva, I was introduced to Kiva just before my open heart surgery in April by my delivery driver in Santa Maria. I have two …

Kiva Confections

Can Kiva Chocolate Products Go Bad or Lose Potency?

For quality reasons, we use a manufacture best buy date, valid for one year from the date. Our dark chocolate can last even longer than …

Kiva Confections

What are some tips for storing Kiva Chocolate products?

We have put together a nice little storage guide to answer this question: We here at KIVA Confections take great pride in providing our patients …


Does KIVA plan to educate consumers with details that go beyond the very basic THC to CBD ratios per product?

"Current research points to the synergy between specific cannabis strains and particular ailments due to their inherent cannabinoid and terpene profiles. Having these details available …