

These pens look really cool. What kind of heating mechanism do they use?

Hey There, thanks for this question and it goes to the heart of why the Puffco Plus produces such exquisite flavor profiles. We use a …


What kind and dosage of CBD;s for UC with low-grade glandular dysplasia in transverse colon?

There are no good studies in humans that I know of to answer your question. Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis, are …


Regarding an article from August on pain relief from FECO. Sounds really 21 century! Where do I get it? And

"are there any other instances of this kind of success? Is it psychoactive thanks Larry" Hi Larry, I am not a doctor and this answer …


Is Cannabis supposed to help with symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and, if so, what kind?

Cannabis can definitely help with Chronic Fatigue symptoms! There’s actually a lot of options and choices depending on the symptoms that are most effecting you. …


What does the amount of THC in a topical indicate?

"Is this kind of like regular or extra-strength in the OTC market (pharmacy)?" Topical preparations of cannabis vary widely and utilize different strains of cannabis …


As a survivor of sexual trauma, I'm intrigued with Foria to help "get going". 3 questions:

"1. What’s the difference between Foria spray and oral THC sprays? The CBD’s or the oral vs. genital application. 2. What kind of THC do …


I type constantly for my job and it is starting to cause me a lot of pain.

"Both my wrists and the top of my hand experience pain and stiffness. What would you recommend to combat this kind of pain?" I have …

Breast Cancer

Does cbd oil interact with Anastrozole? Should my mom wait until after surgery to start taking cbd oil?

"My mom has breast cancer and she’s interested in taking cbd oil. She’s taking 1mg of Anastrozole a day. Would there be any kind of …


What kind of topical or product should I use for my condition?

"I have an autoimmune disease called eosinophillic fasciitis. It is a tightening of the fascia in my hands and lower legs with joint and bone …


I suffer from really bad cramps and PMS. Can marijuana help with this?

"I’ve tried different types of birth control, advil, etc. and nothing really helps. If marijuana can help, what kind of strain or product should I …


What kind of strain(s) is/are used in Foria?

"Is it a Sativa or Indica?" That is a very good question that is best asked of the manufacturer themselves. Here is link that can …

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