

CBD Oil in North Carolina

"I’ve had migraines for many years, and they’ve gotten progressively worse. They are now interfering with my work and personal life. My husband and children …


Asked this a month ago, but to no avail. I'm a regular user and a

"candidate for dialysis and eventually a kidney transplant. Are there any potential conflicts?" Sorry that you waited this long for your answer. As far as …


can you help me with products and card?

"I have psoriatic and rhumatoid arthritis and sjogrens and fibro which brings excessive pain. I cannot take opiods due to bad kidneys. I live in …


What should a 75 year old woman with several medical issues take?

"My mom is 75 years old with diabetes, glaucoma, cataract, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and severe kidney disease stage 3. She has expressed an extreme interest …

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