

I’m having a kidney transplant in early February. Does smoking marijuana prior and posterior to the procedure have negative effects?

"Thanks " Hi there! Smoking is never recommended, especially before and after a surgery. Smoking anything prior to the surgery will significantly increase the probability …


Is CBD safe for cats? Does it relieve pain for them?

"I think my cat has kidney failure. Before she came to me she was fed dry cat food. She now urinates copiously and spends time …


Is cannabis high in oxalates that produce kidney stones?

"High Oxalate produces kidney stones." BUY CANNABIS We have top quality medical cannabis buds, oil extract,wax, hash and edibles available at affordable prices. You can …


Is there a CBD oil or tincture that can help improve ones kidneys?

It depends on what you mean by improve one kidneys. Here is an article on kidneys and CBD PiantaTinta


Can cannabis topical creams/ointments/spray adversely affect your kidneys?

Most topical products have very little entrance into the bloodstream, so would not affect the kidneys. Cannabis in general is metabolized in the liver, so …


I have several medical problems. Can marijuana help?

"I have Stage III Chronic Kidney Disease, HBP, diverticulosis, migraines and insomnia. What form of marijuana can help me?" All of these conditions respond well …


I was told I have poor kidney function. Will CBD help with that?

CBD cannabis is cleared through the liver and the G.I. tract so it should not negatively affect your kidney function and it very likely will …


Is it safe to use marijuana if you only have one kidney?

"I take some cannabis tincture at night for fibromyalgia; it controls pain and helps me sleep. I only have one kidney and I had to …


Is medical marijuana leave your system if you're in kidney failure faster than oxycodone?


Can someone with kidney disease use a topical cananbis patch?

Many medications must be used with caution in kidney disease, because if the kidney doesn’t pass the medications through the body effectively, they can build …


Can cannabis help to breakdown calcium oxalate kidney stones?

Marijuana could be helpful for pain control while passing a stone, but I am not aware of any studies that correlate marijuana with kidney stone …


Is there anything helpful for kidney failure?

It all depends on the cause of the renal failure. If the renal failure was 2ndary to overuse of NSAIDS (i.e. naproxen, Ibuprofen, etc), then …

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