

I have cancer in my mouth, under tongue. Although I place the CBD /THC under my


Can cannabis oil help with dental issues?

"I was recently diagnosed with bone loss issues. I am so fastidious about my teeth and the doctor said that I have little or no …

Alzheimer's Disease

What is the dosage of CBD for dementia?

"My dad has dementia. We have CBD oil derived from hemp. How much and how often should he take it?" Here is an article on …


Can a person develop sensitivity in their mouth and gums from smoking fresh bud?

Hello, although smoking Cannabis is unlikely to increase your risk of developing oral cancer, there are still some dental hazards patients should be aware of. …


Can CBN help shrink a cyst in my jaw?

Hello. CBN (cannabinol) is a cannabinoid that is produced from the oxidation of THC. I haven’t come across any scientific studies regarding the effects of …


Can CBD help to reduce the size of a cyst?

"I have a cyst in my jaw." Hard to say. I have used CBD for other types of cysts with good success, in particular the …


I have tried sublingual drops and sprays but still haven't found the right one for sleep help.

"I am looking for a cost effective product that will put me to sleep and that keeps me asleep. I have tried the CBD sublingual …


Tinctures – Newbie here…

"I bought Bhutan Mendo Focus 1:1 for my first tincture. It is alcohol based and burns my mouth, so I put it in some cranberry …


What's a good tincture regimine for migraine prevention?

"I have near daily migraine with aura. My migraines are "silent", without headache but cause single sided neurological issues, nausea, jaw pain, numbness and tingling …


I am using CBD oil through a pen for the first time…

"…the mouth piece is metal. I find when I cover the airholes and pull for the same amount of time, I get a considerabley bigger …


I have fibromyalgia which causes excessive electric shock type pain in my jaw etc.

"As I live in the U.K. (Where cannabis is still illegal in most areas) will I be able to buy the cannabis patch asits for …


What is the maximum daily dosage of CBD oil drops for adults ?

"I have been a client of yours for a approximately 3 weeks and have been taking CBD oil by mouth in dosage of 500 twice …