

What would be the most appropriate %thc and %cbd for HER2+ carcinoma (breast) if using the 60g protocol?

"Mom is currently being treated with docetaxel-herception-perjeta (2nd infusion this week), but would really like to be able to stop the chemo. Because HER2+ is …


Smoking marijuana helps with my anxiety but I can only smoke indica. What should I do?

"I have a lot of social anxiety and smoking helps me a lot and puts me at ease. My problem is that sativa strains seem …


Vapor vs tinctures: As i understand it- plants can be indica, sativa or hybrids each having a different "high".

"Do tinctures have this same distinction? Or are they all the same regarding the expected outcome?" Each cannabis plant has different qualities based on its …


Do indicas make you cough more than sativas?

"I find that they do. Is that my imagination?" Inhaling vapors or smoke of any substance can cause irritation of the airways and lead to …


Hydroxyzine & Indica

"I’m currently taking Hydroxyzine at nighttime before bed for my allergy symptoms. Would it be okay/safe to smoke indica/indica-dominant strain before bedtime as well? Will …


Are there different substances between strains (Indica, Sativa)? Is this something that is seen in others?

"I have found that the Indica strains help control my orthopedic and migraine pain better than Sativa strains. With the sativa I feel like my …


What is the difference between indica vs sativa?

"There seem to be thousands of strains of marijuana and people say it is important to select a sativa, indica or hybrid based on how …


What kind of strain(s) is/are used in Foria?

"Is it a Sativa or Indica?" That is a very good question that is best asked of the manufacturer themselves. Here is link that can …


What Makes Marijuana Strains Unique?

Marijuana strains are like coffee shops or denim brands — once a consumer finds one they love, they won’t explore anything else. Unfortunately, even marijuana …


Indica or Sativa? Making the right choice.

New patients considering the benefits of medical marijuana may be surprised to find out there is more than one species of cannabis available. The genus …

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