

Can Cannabis be used to treat Vetiligo and how does that work?

"I have Vetiligo. I was wondering if Cannabis be used as a treatment of Vetiligo or for auto immune diseases such as ITP. I tried …


What can you recommend for Grover's disease?

"I need something to stop the itching, it’s driving me crazy!" Hello. Transient acantholytic dermatosis (Grover’s disease) is a condition involving itchy red spots on …


I just came down with a bad cold last night, is taking pure CBD a good idea?

"I have a 10mg pure CBD Mary’s Medicinals patch but don’t want to inhibit the immune system from doing its job." To be honest with …


Is whole plant THCa proving to be better at healing our immune system when you have an autoimmune disease?

We have over 600 clients, and we are now seeing that many of them are interested in and seeing positive results from THCa for arthritis, …


Stage IV rectal cancer needs what strain to help immune system fight fatigue and Herpes 2 oral symptoms?

Have you had chemotherapy? Chemotherapy kills cancer cells as well as damaging healthy cells and may account for your fatigue and if so I would …


Are your oils high enough grade for seriously ill patients?

"I’m looking for a vape for my father who has stage 4 cancer. I don’t want anything that would further compromise his immune system. " …


CanPatients with Auto immune problems benefit from Organically grown Cannabis?@flowkana

I am not a doctor but I would say that this question can have several answers. First, I think that anyone who smokes flower should …


How do I take cannabis oil to combat my own auto immune disease?

"I’ve heard about Constance Finley and I want to know if cannabis oil is widely used for auto immune disorders and whether it really works. …


I've tried this… well, my wife has… to absolutely no effect. Is this normal?

"(We made it to our 40s with no THC consumption and now it seems to have zero effect in any form — specifically with Foria… …


What could you recommend for boneloss of jaw, alopecia areata and neuropathy?

"I have a severe bone loss condition in the jawbone following loss of teeth. Very painful over periods, daily use of painkillers needed. Inflammation of …


Does anyone have experience using marijuana for auto immune disease?

" I have myasthenia gravis and the meds do nothing but give me horrible side effects. I’m interested in knowing what marijuana could do for …