

Do CBDs cause thinning of the blood?

"I had to get a colonoscopy, and my doctor said to stop taking blood thinners before the procedure. He sent a list of blood thinners …


Can I take CBD tincture with diabetes medication and ibuprofen?

"I’d like to use a 20:1 CBD:THC tincture. Is it best to use in the morning?" Yes, you can continue your diabetes medication and ibuprofen. …


Is it OK to take ibuprofen when you are taking CBD?

Yes, you can take Ibuprofen with your CBD products, but most people do not have to as it works as an anti-inflammatory in itself. drb


Recommendations for S/I joint pain and psoas/illiacus pain?

"I have had 3 spinal injections and am feeling a bit desperate, due to severe psoas/illiacus pain when I wake up (3-4 hours) and ongoing …


CBD Oil in North Carolina

"I’ve had migraines for many years, and they’ve gotten progressively worse. They are now interfering with my work and personal life. My husband and children …


Pain in feet and insomnia, low tolerance

"Hello! I have 5 fused vertebra, and I just found out hte "pain" in my feet is likely nerve pain from the spinal fluid pushing …


Should I stop taking CBD 1:1 oil before prolotherapy injection?

"I’m having a prolotherapy injection in a couple of weeks in my hip. It says to stop taking all anti inflammatories like advil, aspirin, ibuprofen …


What strain of edible Cannibas works good for pinch nerve relieve?

"I wanted to see what works good for nerve pain relieve. I’m not a smoker but I do eat the edible indica Strains. The nerve …


I'm a long-distance runner. Can marijuana help with recovery?

"A bit of background: I’ve been a distance runner for the last 10 years after starting in high school. I don’t recover as quickly as …


I have a shingles outbreak, i'm willing to try almost anything to control the pain, including marijuana.

"I’m dealing with my first shingles outbreak, and it’s on my face. I’m 51 years old. My doctor prescrived Valtrex and a numbing cream to …


Can I use cannabis as a replacement for Vicodin?

"I suffer from chronic back pain and have been using vicodin. However, my doctor has stated that I need to end my reliance on this …