Acid Reflux

Can CBD help with GI issues?

"Specifically IBS, IBD, and GERD?" Hi there! The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is largely devoted to maintaining homeostasis (the tendency of organisms to auto-regulate and maintain …

Acid Reflux

Can CBD help with GI issues?

"Like IBS, IBD and GERD?" Hi there! The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is largely devoted to maintaining homeostasis (the tendency of organisms to auto-regulate and maintain …



"Hello my 10year old daughter has IBD-UC and we want to avoid pharmaceuticals. would love to hear from others about their experience with CBD products …


Does smoking marijuana cause worsening of Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) symptoms?

"Will smoking marijuana cause flare ups? I know that smoking cigarettes does." Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic condition of the digestive system. Symptoms are …


Can Cannabis Help Autoimmune Disease Sufferers?

What is an Autoimmune Disorder? 50 million americans suffer from an Autoimmune Disorder and 75% of those who experience them are women. The main factor …

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