Holistic Hound


5 Budget-Friendly Hemp CBD Stocking Stuffers

It seems like every holiday season there’s a mad scramble for that last-minute stocking stuffer or for that present for a white elephant gift exchange. …


Keeping Your Pet Healthy With Hemp-Derived CBD

If you’re a pet owner, you know that sinking feeling when your furry friend just isn’t acting alright. Maybe they’re not eating with abandon like …


5 Products That’ll Change Your Mind About Hemp-Derived CBD

Why should you try cannabidiol (CBD) that comes from hemp? Well, we know that CBD has a variety of healing properties. And it can be …


Nourish to Flourish: Holistic Hound Hemp Oil Products

Heidi Hill founded Holistic Hound pet store in 2003 in Berkeley, California, to blend her two passions: animals and holistic health care. With a focus …