Health & Wellness


Should I Do a Cannabis Tolerance Cleanse?

How many of your friends and family are planning on doing some kind of cleanse as part of their New Year’s resolution? Or are you …


Cannabis & Carcinogens: What’s the Risk?

Can using cannabis raise your risk of cancer? Many anti-drug campaigns and mainstream medical experts say that it can, adding that warning to the long …


I am in Georgia are there any products allowed for people who live in my State with health issues?

Hello. Looks like Georgia’s medical cannabis laws are pretty strict. You only qualify if you have one of 15 qualifying health conditions (just expanded from …

Health & Wellness

What is the best overall product for health and wellness that I would recommend?

"A CBD:THC ratio of 20:1 tincture used twice daily" The best overall product for health and wellness would definately be a plant based diet, and …


Does anyone have a recommendation for a psychiatrist that supports cannabis use to treat mental health issues?

Please let us know your state of residence and for which mental health issue you are intending to use medical marijuana. Thanks NP Joshua


vascular health CBD


Top Ten Health Benefits of Laughter

One of the most well known side effects of using cannabis is experiencing bouts of endless giggles. While some may perceive the giggles as pure …

Health & Wellness

I have cirrhosis of the liver, can I still use CBD safely?

I would recommend a CBD:THC ratio of 20:1 tincture used sublingual twice daily every day as this is known to decrease chronic inflammation without making …


Marijuana and Laughter Can Improve Your Health

Why Cannabis Makes You Laugh Though no one knows the exact reason why cannabis makes you laugh, there are some studies that might shed some …


Does cannabis negatively effect a man's sexual health?

Studies show that cannabis can negatively affect a man sexual health. A study done by the Reproductive Biology Research Foundation and the Missouri Clinical and …


Can using medical marijuana risk my Veterans health care benefits?

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs official website: "Veterans who participate in state-approved medical marijuana programs will not be denied access to VA …


I have a concern about using medical marijuana and being a health care provider. What is the law?

While I am not an attorney, the law itself does not contain language that prohibits patients of a certain profession from obtaining a medical marijuana …

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