Health & Wellness

Alzheimer's Disease

4 Popular Nootropics to Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder

100 thousand stars. 100 billion planets. The Milky Way is so vast, it’s hard even to grasp. Yet, our 5.5-inch-wide brains hold more: 1,000 trillion …


Is CBD Safe for Kids to Consume?

Increased Anxiety and Stress During COVID-19 Our life during COVID-19 has been upended, and anxiety in children has skyrocketed. As daily life is disrupted, many …


The Health Benefits of Breathwork for the Body and Mind

When someone is tense or angry, we often say, "Take a deep breath." And when we’ve escaped a bad situation, we can "breathe easier." Breathing …


Supporting the Immune System During Cold and Flu Season with Plant-Based Supplements

Although you can get sick any time of the year, cold and flu season typically lasts from as early as October through as late as …


What is most effective product for sedation?

"I am a 66 year old male, 170 lbs. I have some health issues including essential hyperteinsion, depression, insomnia. I was diagnosed with MONO in …


Taking Cannabis Daily for Good Health

Wondering about daily cannabis use as part of a regular health routine? I have to admit that as much as I’ve learned about the therapeutic …


What does high CBD mean for my health, I have joint pain.

Hello, Several studies suggest that cannabis can help alleviate the pain of arthritis. And while cannabis research has historically focused on THC, synthetic cannabinoids, or …


What are the medical or health benefits of CBD and is it worth trying?

"I live in a state where marijuana is not legal. I want to try CBD and have heard that CBD from the hemp plant may …


How do I find a product that is safe to use and works well? What do I look for?

"There area a lot of cannabis hemp products for sale that have CBD and claim to have many medical and health benefits. I need help …


What is your biggest fear about cannabis?

"What keeps you from (or kept you from) trying cannabis for your health?" Hi there! The one scare-tactic that worked to delay me from trying …


How to Add Cannabis to Your Fitness Routine

The start of a new year often inspires people to re-commit to a fitness routine—or begin a new one altogether. In either case, there’s something …


Studies Bust the Stereotype of the Lazy, Out-of-Shape Stoner

The negative stereotype that cannabis consumers are lazy with a bad case of the munchies still holds a firm place in many people’s minds—despite 64% …

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