

What strains would you recommend for sports enhancement?

"I’ve used sativas such as Fruit Punch and Green Crack in replacement of my pre-workout gym shake and have had great effects however, I am …


Can I use this service in Texas?

"I am a 22 year old with hyperthyroidism, and a messed up left hip I have delt with for years. My uncle is in the …


Does the potency of edibles decline over time?

"I use eat marijuana gummies to manage my pain. Once opened, does the concentration change over time?" Edible companies have reported that they have not …


How do I use my new Care By Design vape pen?

"I just bought a Care By Design vape pen and a cartridge with 55% THC and 7% CBD. The lady at the dispensary showed me …


I had some Mr. Moxey's Mints some while ago and the metal box they were in was light green. Which were those?

Please check out their website: It looks like you had peppermint. ryan


What sort of online courses does Green Flower offer?

Green Flower Media offer many excellent courses to view and to enroll in. They are all educational and the lectures are given by top notch …


What strain of edible Cannibas works good for pinch nerve relieve?

"I wanted to see what works good for nerve pain relieve. I’m not a smoker but I do eat the edible indica Strains. The nerve …


Does Green Health Consultants do online consultations? I am interested in whether cannabis is right for me.

"I have had chronic pain for years and the doctors I see only seem to offer pharmaceuticals. I read about Green Health in a HelloMD …


My mother is 97 and weighs less than 90 pounds. Are topicals ok for her?

"She just started using the Green Salve from Hummingbird Lane at bedtime for back pain/arthritis in place of an evening dose of Tramadol. She told …


touch sensors

"I have a firefly2 and frankly, its awesome. however, sometimes, when starting my firefly2 from cold the green light doesn’t blink-sometime times it heats and …


Does Green Cuisine deliver to anyone with a recommendation in Marin?

Green Cuisine should deliver to anyone with a current California medical recommendation and valid photo ID who signs their membership agreement. This practice should be …


Green Dragon or OG Kush for insomnia and general mood elevation?

"I have Blackberry Kush and Blue Dream vapor for insomnia. I am thinking of adding either one of these for general increase in mood and …

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