

How often should I take high CBD chews?

"I was prescribed Veda Chew gold for numbness in my arms cased by pinched nerve in neck and shoulder. Can I take that every night …


The dispensary I went to said I need a gold stamp on my card. Is that true?

Hi! There is nothing in CA law that requires you to present a document with a gold stamp. Under CA law, a doctor’s letter is …

Durban Poison

Is Durban Poison strain related to the other African favorite – Malawi Gold?

Durban Poison and Malawi Gold are both pure African sativa landrace strains with uplifting energizing effects, and both are considered very high quality. Malawi Gold …


two products I would like to buy – ABS Sleepy Time Spray and Liquid gold Purple haze

"does anyone know where these items may be purchased?" What is ABS sleepy time spray ? How does it work ? Looking for something that …