Girl Scout Cookies


5 Cannabis Strains to Enhance Your Yoga Practice

here’s nothing quite like yoga after consuming cannabis to leave you feeling relaxed, balanced and synchronized. If you haven’t tried this growing trend, it’s pretty …


Staff Picks: Top 7 Cannabis Strains for Productivity

From time to time, everyone struggles with the ability to be productive. Between work, family, school and/or daily chores, it can sometimes feel like our …


Top 8 Most Potent, High-THC Marijuana Strains

When you think of heavy-hitting cannabis strains, it may conjure up thoughts of “Stoner Steve.” You know, that stereotypical marijuana smoker whose only objective is …


Top Cannabis Pairings for Your Next Live Music Event

If you love cannabis, you’ve probably noticed the incredible way it can enhance listening to music. Putting on your favorite songs after consuming some marijuana …


Top 6 Cannabis Strains to Make Watching Fireworks Extra Fun

Fireworks season is here. With plenty of opportunities to witness colorful explosions in the sky, the timing is right to try a new cannabis variety …


HelloMD Staff Picks: Top 5 Marijuana Strains for Stress Relief

Stress is something all of us encounter, whether on a weekly or even daily basis. It can strike at any time—for example, when you’re fighting …

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