

Florida Tries to Block Access to Medical Marijuana

Florida: What’s Happened to Date In November, 71% of Florida residents voted in favor of a constitutional amendment that approved the use of medical marijuana. …


I Do you have plans to open an operation in Florida similar to the one in Ca ?


How do I get a medical cannabis card in Florida?

Go to floridamarijuanainfo.org for all the information needed to obtain your card in Florida and a doctor who will help you. drolson


How does one in Florida obtain medical marijuana?

Florida voters just passed a medical cannabis law that should provide more access to qualitfied patients. One law is already in place in Florida that …


Hello- I am visiting from Florida. Is it possible to get a card in California

Yes. HelloMD will evaluate you and if appropriate issue you a cannabis recommendation if you are physically in California at the time of the evaluation. …


Florida Approves Medical Marijuana

Amendment 2 Passes in Florida This past November Florida voters overwhelmingly approved Amendment 2 which legalizes medical marijuana. The state had previously rejected a similar …


Do you know of any companies that ship to Florida?

We ship CBD from hemp products that are effective for a number of our patients. You can contact us at info@calstatecaregivers.com or visit the CBD …


Can I order cannabis products and have them delivered to my address in Florida?

A California recommendation is given only for patients that are currently residing in California either temporarily or permanently and, therefore; cannabis can only be delivered …


Now that florida has passed medical will i qualify?

"Have had 2 failed back surgeries within the last year, upcoming L-5 fusion, signs of arthritis already, nerve damage. I’m on all the normal meds …


can you help me with products and card?

"I have psoriatic and rhumatoid arthritis and sjogrens and fibro which brings excessive pain. I cannot take opiods due to bad kidneys. I live in …


Will I be able to order the products found on your website and have them delivered to me here in Florida?

We do not sell the products listed on our website. They are informational only. You will have to consult with a local retailer to see …