Firefly Vapor

Firefly Vapor

I have the Firefly 2 and am new to vapes. I seem to be having trouble getting sufficient vapor out. Any suggestions?

Best way to get vapor production is make sure the mouthpiece is correctly inserted and the lid is closed properly creating the seal. Then you …

Firefly Vapor

Does vaping, such as with a FireFly vaporizer, create that unmistakable smell associated with a burning joint?

"More specifically … is there ANY smell when using Firefly and, if so, how strong or pervasive is the smell and how long does it …


What's the experience like vaping with concentrates?

"I am used to vaping bud. What concentrates can you use in the Firefly and what’s the experience like vs bud?" The experience with vaporizing …

Firefly Vapor

Stealth and discreetness – how does Firefly compare to its competitors?

For all portable vaporizers that can fit inside your pocket, it would seem that smell is the most important consideration in the "stealth category". Since …

Firefly Vapor

Cleaning a vape always seems hard. How do you clean the Firefly?

I recommend you purchase a box of alcohol wipes. They are the easiest, safest way to remove cannabis resin from vapes and instruments. You can …

Firefly Vapor

How is vaping from a Firefly different to a vape pen?

"I have heard the flavor is different. Can you elaborate?" Good question! The short answer is that it’s all about temperature control. The biggest difference …

Firefly Vapor

What are the differences between the Firefly and the Pax vaporizer?

"What should I know if I am trying to decide between them?" Both of these devices are among the best-rated in the portable vaporizer market. …

Firefly Vapor

What is convection vs conduction heating, and why is this important in a vaporizer?

"I hear the Pax vaporizer is conduction. Why is the FireFly better?" Great question! Conduction is the heating of a substance that is in direct …