

Synthetic CBD: A Cheaper, Safer Epilepsy Medicine?

Epilepsy affects more than 65 million people around the globe. It’s a general term for a number of conditions that cause seizures, which are disturbances …


FDA Approves Epidiolex, First CBD-Based Drug for Epilepsy

Medical marijuana users take note: The FDA has just approved a new drug containing cannabidiol (CBD). Its aim is to treat two rare, severe forms …


Controlling Epilepsy With Cannabis & the Keto Diet

In early 2018, Illinois sixth-grader Ashley Surin won a major legal victory: the right to have access to medical marijuana at school. The middle schooler …


Cannabis: A Better Alternative to Benzodiazepines

While the opioid epidemic has been grabbing headlines nationwide for its staggering impact on lives and productivity, prescriptions of benzodiazepines, another class of potent drugs, …


What strains will help emotionally unstable personality disorder?

Cannabis could potentially worsen or exacerbate psychiatric symptoms, especially strains that are higher in THC. It would be best to try strains that are higher …


Do any of the physicians at HelloMD have experience with treating intractable epilepsy?

HelloMD has a large number of trained and experienced healthcare practitioners. Epilepsy is a very common condition often encountered by our physicians, it is also …


New Study Proves Efficacy of CBD for Children’s Epilepsy

Medical Cannabis & Epilepsy Providing children with epilepsy accessibility to medical cannabis, particularly high CBD varieties, has often been a rallying cry to make medical …

Cannabis Law

Can I take hemp products into Thailand?

"I use hemp derived CBD oil to control my epileptic seizures. Is it legal to bring hemp oil into thailand?" In January of this year …


How can I get CBD oil in New Zealand for my son who has epilepsy?

I understand that "pure hemp oil" is not a regulated product, and it may have the same effect as "CBD products"; look at the pure, …


My 18-month old dog, a GSP/Border Collie mix has had 3 grand mal seizures in the past week.

"The vet took bloodwork and prescribed Keppra for the seizures. She is scheduled for a brain scan next week. When I brought up the use …


Can I get medical marijuana card in Virginia ?

"If so, what are the qualifying conditions, and what type of cannabis can I access? " Unfortunately, the passage of the law HB1445 within your …


I have epilepsy and get sick from taking depekote. I wont get a job w/ cannabis in system. What should I do?

Take a brief break from THC if you are worried about failing a drug test. Here is a link to some information about drug testing. …

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