Entourage Effect


Can Certain Foods Interact With Cannabis to Affect Your High?

Terpenes found in both cannabis and many fruits and vegetables have people speculating that the interaction between weed and food can create different highs.


How Cannabinoids and Terpenes Work Better Together

In its natural state, the marijuana plant contains over 480 known natural chemicals. Some of those are cannabinoids, the active compounds responsible for marijuana’s medicinal …


What Are Cannabis Flavonoids & Are They Good for You?

When we talk about the chemical constituents in cannabis, cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) often get all of the attention—as do terpenes like …


HelloMD’s Dr. Perry Solomon Goes Deep on Cannabis for Almost 30

HelloMD’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Perry Solomon was recently featured on “Almost 30,” an iTunes top 10 health podcast. Hosted by Krista Williams and Lindsey …


Harnessing the Power of Cannabis's Chemical Compounds

In the last installment of our series for cannabis newcomers, we went over cannabis strains and why they’re important. Different types of cannabis can have …


CBD and THC: A Perfect Balance for Healing

Herbalists say that for every poisonous plant, there’s another with an antidote not far away. That kind of balance between opposites is everywhere in nature—and …


Whole Plant Medicine & the Entourage Effect

Alicia Rose is the Founder of HerbaBuena a California based collective that provides a sophisticated, personalized approach as well as the finest cannabis-based medicine. HerbaBuena …


What Is It About Mangoes and Marijuana?

Mangoes and cannabis pair well because of the entourage effect. Read on to learn more.