

Men, Weed and Sex

While sexual openness has been building over the 21st century, it’s still an ongoing discussion of whether or not partners should try bringing marijuana into …


Purchasing CBD Products – What's Real and What's Fake?

The CBD trend has gone global, and currently it seems as if everyone has something to say about the health benefits found within this cannabinoid …


How Cannabis Can Keep You Healthy Via Your Gut Microbiome

Since the early 2000s, our knowledge on the gut microbiome has soared: We now know that microbes in our digestive system can influence our immune …


Aromatherapy: Is Smelling Cannabis Enough to Reap Its Benefits?

Smoking, vaping or eating a favorite edible are the most common ways to get the medicinal and recreational benefits of cannabis. But can you use …


Masturbation & Orgasm: How Sex & Cannabis Are Intertwined

The human body is hardwired to encourage behaviors—such as eating, exercising and sexual activity—that are good for it. Those things that support health and the …


HelloMD’s Dr. Perry Solomon Goes Deep on Cannabis for Almost 30

HelloMD’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Perry Solomon was recently featured on “Almost 30,” an iTunes top 10 health podcast. Hosted by Krista Williams and Lindsey …


Harnessing the Power of Cannabis's Chemical Compounds

In the last installment of our series for cannabis newcomers, we went over cannabis strains and why they’re important. Different types of cannabis can have …


The Science Behind Why Marijuana Is Safer Than Opioids

Every day, more than 90 Americans die of an opioid overdose. Opioids are a class of powerfully addictive drugs that includes not only the street …


How Parkinson’s Disease Affects the Endocannabinoid System

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the substantia nigra, a part of the brain where nerve cells normally produce dopamine. Dopamine is a …


How the Endocannabinoid System Affects Women’s Health

It’s hard to believe we’re still making new discoveries about the endocannabinoid system (ECS), even though it occurs naturally in virtually all animals and influences …


How Opioids & Cannabinoids Interact to Boost Pain Relief

Some recreational marijuana users like to take an oxycodone or another kind of opioid at the same time as cannabis, saying that this intensifies the …


How Cannabis Can Break the Cycle of Opioid Abuse

The American opioid epidemic claims nearly a hundred lives a day to overdose deaths. The cycle of abuse and dependence affects millions more as people …