

What are products for seniors that have insomnia, depression, anxiety?

"I am tring to get off of clinical meds, which I have low tolerance for and onto cannabis, which I seem to need a high …


3 Popular Questions About Marijuana & Seniors Answered

People may associate marijuana with a younger crowd, but more and more seniors are turning to the cannabis plant to help ease pain associated with …


CBD for aging brain

"I am wondering what dosage of CBD/THC is recommended for countering the effects of aging along with a history head trauma. I am 69 years …


Microdosing Cannabis Stopped My Chronic Pain

My own experience with microdosing completely changed how I consume medical cannabis. After suffering for years from chronic pain due to intense migraines and fibromyalgia, …


Low Doses of THC May Improve Mental Capacity in the Elderly

Low Doses of THC Prove Effective Nature Medicine Journal recently published new research conducted by the University of Bonn in Germany, in association with the …


Microdosing Cannabis Stopped My Chronic Pain

My own experience with microdosing completely changed how I consume medical cannabis. After suffering for years from chronic pain due to intense migraines and fibromyalgia, …


What's Holding back Telehealth for Cannabis Evaluations?

When it comes to the availability of physician recommendations for medical cannabis to patients, consumers across the country have an enormous problem: access. Although there …