

Hello, will this help with relieving chronic headaches due to an automobile accident?

"I was in an auto accident about 2 years ago where I was rear-ended by a distracted driver at a stop light, and since then, …


What can you recommend for Lateral Epicondylitis ("tennis elbow")?

For localized pain, many people find that topical preparations (creams, lotions, balms, salves) are effective, without mental side effects. drbultman


Will this product help with soft tissue and tendon strain at elbow from pitching a baseball?

THC(A)/CBD(A) products either as an edible, topical, or vaporized can help relieve some of the pains. Cannabis is its nature has anti-inflammatory properties. alternativeease Yes, …


I developed tendinitis (golfers elbow) from doing Crossfit. Nothing seems to help.

"I have already had two cortisone injections. The pain wakes me up at night, and I can’t do any grippy workout exercises anymore. I am …