

My oncologist recommended 200mg/200mg THC/CBD creme cream for neuropathy pain-will it help?

You may want to try the products at or in a local dispensary within your state. There is a topical balm with 700mg of …


Newbie edibles for cronic pain.

"I’ve never consume cannabis in any manner. I have been in horrible chronic pain after a leg bypass surgery period opiates are not working period …

Alzheimer's Disease

What strength of cbd and thc is best for Parkinson’s and moderate dementia?

"Dad has Parkinson’s and recently was diagnosed with moderate dementia and is aggressive combative. I was told cbd oils for day time to keep him …


Hi There,

"Ive been looking online for a store in Oregon which has a high THC content. One that I found with 75% THC and 7.5% CBD …


Hi There,

"My Mums recently been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, it’s pretty far along and so I’ve been researching for days. I’m looking at starting …


What type oral product and what dose is recommended for partially controlled siezures in a 45 year old female?

There are many studies in support of CBD for patients with epilepsy. Products with CBD are best supported by the literatue to have helped patients …


CBD for aging brain

"I am wondering what dosage of CBD/THC is recommended for countering the effects of aging along with a history head trauma. I am 69 years …

Alzheimer's Disease

CBD for motor problems in dementia?

"I have read this: (copy paste) ‘To treat movement problems (Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s, dementia): 3 to 5 mg of CBD oil per pounds of body …


Schizoaffective disorder: What is the best form of CBD? and dosage?

"Dosage?" Schizoaffective disorder= higher level of psychosis (delusion, paranoia, hallucinations) to mood disorder (usually bipolar type, what was called manic-depressive). Working in a psychiatric setting …


Help w/ Tapering Off SSRI & Benzo w/ Cannabis

"Hello. I am hoping I could get some advice. I have been prescribed Xanax and Zoloft for over a decade, and I am definitely seeing …


Anxiety. CBD only – no THC.

"I am currently on Zoloft and have been for a few years. Even though I am on it I have had panic attacks. My dr …

Blood Pressure

How long should a scleroderma patient take THC oil for and is it contra-indicated with prescription drugs?

"Hello, a friend has scleroderma&is being treated with:Setraline 100mg(anti-depressant),lisinopril 5mg(for hypertension)& hydroxychloquine sulfate 20g(antirheumatic).She will soon start a course of THC oil with the intention …