

My mother is 97 and weighs less than 90 pounds. Are topicals ok for her?

"She just started using the Green Salve from Hummingbird Lane at bedtime for back pain/arthritis in place of an evening dose of Tramadol. She told …


What dosage is best for small dogs?

"I have a 10 lb Rat Terrier with arthritis." One small Treatible contains a little over 1mg of CBD; and the recommended dose is one …


I want to get off Prozac, but I can't smoke or apparently eat edibles, suggestions?

"Figured I should elaborate: Smoking- never done it and the smoke from this gives me a migraine. Same with edibles, had a friend make me …


I see marijuana recipes everywhere. How do I calculate the dosage of THC in my recipe?

This is a great question. You should start by calculating the intended dosage per serving. A good rule of thumb would be to aim at …


Are there any edibles that are very low dose and healthy? I'm not interested in candy or chocolates.

The answer is yes, but you have to shop. Inquire with larger dispensaries. Eating fresh cannabis is very healthy and you may consider learning to …


I have sciatica, and none of the products I've tried are working

"I have had sciatica for nine months. None of the products recommended – 1:1 spray, tincture, and salve – seem to have any effect on …


Can my son with severe Cerebral Palsy benefit from CBD oil and what would be the dosage?

There are anecdotal reports that CBD may be helpful in treating cerebral palsy. Benefit may be due to the anti-spasmodic properties of cannabis, which may …


What would be the most appropriate %thc and %cbd for HER2+ carcinoma (breast) if using the 60g protocol?

"Mom is currently being treated with docetaxel-herception-perjeta (2nd infusion this week), but would really like to be able to stop the chemo. Because HER2+ is …


Can I give Treatwell to my dog for his arthritis?

"He is a 14 pound terrier. What would be the recommended dosage?" The 1:1 CBD:THC ratio of this tincture may be a bit heavy on …


How much CBD is appropriate per day to combat inflammation?

"I take CBD dominant tinctures on a daily basis and they seem to help with migraines and fibromyalgia. I am wondering what people think about …


Can you recommended a low dose edible for pain management?

"I just got my recommendation and that is was the doctor advised me to start with." We love the Flora Probiotic Chocolates for low dose …


What would the dosage be to use this product? Would it still give you a 'high' feeling?

From personal experience, I would suggest starting with one dropper. Once you have an idea on the effect, you could move to two droppers (my …