

How do I do the FaceTime with the doctor ?

" How do I get the FaceTime appointment ? I already paid the $59 and do not know how to follow through with the rest …


Where do I find a doctor in Arizona?

Hi there!! At this time, HelloMD is only available to patients physically-located in California or New York at the time of their consultation. However, Arizona …


I would like to meet with a doctor. I have paid already for a renewal and registered


talk to a doctor


Getting Your Medical Marijuana Recommendation

If you’re new to cannabis and have learned that you can consume it legally where you are, getting a recommendation from a doctor or other …


Survey Reveals 76% of Doctors Would Approve Medical Marijuana Use

A majority of doctors would approve medical marijuana use, according to a survey published in the [New England Journal of Medicine]( t=article) in May 2013. …


Dr. Perry Solomon, CMO, Featured on HIStalk Practice

Chief Medical Officer of HelloMD, Dr. Perry Solomon, was featured on HIStalk Practice, a website dedicated to the latest in medical news through the eyes …

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