

How do I find a medical marijuana doctor in Pennsylvania?

“I was diagnosed with scoliosis about 3 years ago and deal with chronic back pain because of this. Where can I find a doctor who …


How Do I Find a Medical Marijuana Doctor in New York?

“I want to buy medical marijuana in New York but hear that you need to be approved by a doctor first. Is this true? What’s …


In the News: New York Marijuana Legalization 2021

In January, 2018, as part of New York’s state budget, then-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo commissioned a Public Health Study on cannabis. The report’s focus …


What cbd product might i take for seizures

"Have been diagnosed with seizure activity that is mild (absentee seizures). I take Keppra for this. My doctor here in Arkansas said I could also …


Do CBDs cause thinning of the blood?

"I had to get a colonoscopy, and my doctor said to stop taking blood thinners before the procedure. He sent a list of blood thinners …


I no longer have a pain management doctor

"Thanks to MMJ I no longer have the need to see a local pain management doctor. But, when I need to recertify in April 2019 …


How do I make an appointment with a doctor for consult ?

"I have been unsuccessful trying to do it online. I have filled out forms requested and paid my fees. " Hi there! Sorry to hear …


Trying to wean off heroin

"Currently taking 450 mg hemp oil with 38.5 mg CBD twice daily. Trying to find a doctor to work with me but that is proving …


How do i go about re registering my doctor last year was Helena Premchand

Hi there! Thank you for coming back to us! You should have received an email approximately 30 days from your expiration date stating that you …


I'm trying to get a letter for CBD for my dog not for me. The Talk to a Doctor is making a card for me. Please advise.

Hi there! As much as we love dogs at HelloMD, I am afraid the basic information and medical history being entered must reflect the human’s …


I just joined and had a brief chat with one of the assistants, but never received my consultation with the doctor. Did I exit the video conference too early? Will the doctor contact me now or do I have to continue logging in?


Hi, I can’t get my meeting to start with a doctor

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