

Will an oil or topical with a high CBD content give my friend any relief?

"I have a friend with serious autoimmune disease. She has bad breathing reactions to most smells and odors. Will an oil or topical with a …


Is CBD effective without THC for …

"preventing disease or treating it? I see conflicting info everywhere. I thought CBD was the "medicine" part, but some responses on here point to using …


Will CBD oils help with serious autoimmune disease?

CBD has strong anti-inflammatory properties. I use it for RA and it has helped a lot. Sleep is my biggest struggle, primarily do to pain, …


What kind of topical or product should I use for my condition?

"I have an autoimmune disease called eosinophillic fasciitis. It is a tightening of the fascia in my hands and lower legs with joint and bone …


I have Lyme disease. What can help me get better?

"I was diagnosed with Lyme disease last year and am undergoing a variety of treatments (antibiotics, vitamin infusions, etc.) Marijuana seems to help with many …


Can marijuana help with autoimmune diseases?

"I have rheumatoid arthritis and take an anti-TNF medication. Could marijuana help me?" With autoimmune disease, it is always best to eliminate any offending substance …


Does marijuana help with the symptoms of Lyme Disease?

"I was diagnosed with Lyme’s a year ago and struggled through different treatments but have not made any positive improvements. Is there any form of …


Is cannabis helpful for autoimmune diseases?

I am not a doctor, but I have spoken to people in the industry who have successfully used cannabis in battling auto immune issues. The …


I am trying to understand if cannabis can be bad for the liver. And if the method of ingestion matters to the liver.

"I use cannabis for pain management but am also managing a chronic liver disease at the same time. Ironically of course, pharma drugs make things …


I have heard that cannabis can help with Crohn's Disease. Is it better than traditional pharmaceutical drugs?

"I was diagnosed with Crohn’s 10 years ago and have suffered on and off from the inflammation. I am curious as to how cannabis may …

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