

Is there any information on how marijuana effects ALS (Lou Gehrig) disease or its progression?

Medical marijuana can improve an ALS patient’s quality of life. Many of the symptoms that ALS patients experience, like muscle spasticity, are approved for medical …


What strains would you recommend for Parkinson's Disease?

Hello, and thank you for the great question. Numerous studies have been conducted on marijuana and its active components. While not entirely conclusive, the research …


Can you tell me if cannabis is good for Parkinson's disease?

Hello, Cannabinoids have been studied for use in treating symptoms, like bradykinesia (slowness caused by Parkinson’s) and dyskinesia (excess movement caused by levodopa). According to …


Products for Parkinson's Disease

"Can someone please recommend any cannabis products to help with Parkinson’s disease? And opinions about using cannabis for the treatment would be very much appreciated. …


Can taking CBD address autoimmune diseases affecting the liver?

Research studies have shown that CBD is beneficial for treating liver disorders. Studies indicate that CBD is protective of the liver. CBD can prevent oxidative …


Does cannabis help in autoimmune diseases like chronic fatigue?

Hemp CBD has been very effective for most autoimmune diseases with a usual dose of 60-90mg. For my clients that includes rheumatoid & psoriasis but …


Does THCA interact with medications for Parkinson's disease?

"I take carbidopa/levodopa for Parkinson’s disease and started taking THCA for chronic sciatic pain. After I started taking THCA 150MG I started to have a …


I have severe sleep disorder originally triggered by late stage Lyme disease. What edibles might help?

Edibles made with indica strains that promote deep body relaxation and help ease some symptoms of insomnia would be helpful. Be mindful to avoid sativa …


Does smoking, vaporizing, and/or ingesting cannabis have a negative impact on my Wilson's Disease?

This is a very interesting question. Right off the bat, I do want to say my experience w/ Wilson’s Disease is limited although I did …


How does CBD help Parkinson's disease?

Several human studies have shown good results with PD for mood but no significant impact on tremor or movement in short term studies. On the …


I have several medical problems. Can marijuana help?

"I have Stage III Chronic Kidney Disease, HBP, diverticulosis, migraines and insomnia. What form of marijuana can help me?" All of these conditions respond well …


Can cannabis help with Cushing's disease?

"Can it also help animals with Cushing’s?" I am not aware of clinical studies addressing this issue. Cushing’s disease is the result of overstimulation of …

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