

How to relieve the symptoms of medication withdrawal?

"In conjunction with starting the use of cannabis to help with PTSD. I started to taper off my medications for depression and anxiety. With my …


Depressed parakeet

"Sadly, one of my two parakeets recently passed away after being a loving companion for the last 6 years. My remaining parakeet seems depressed and …


Could Cannabis Provide Hope for Parkinson’s Patients?

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disorder that slowly cuts off a person’s ability to produce dopamine. A recent study in Clinical Neuropharmacology found that Parkinson’s patients …


I have been taking klonapan and Celexa in the evening to help relax I have PTSD and Depression

"I want to now use this Anxiety Relief Tincture as a replacement. I just currently started using a vapor pen in the afternoon only. With …


I'm a total novice! Very confused,

"I’m a total novice! Very confused, I would like to get a few support systems. PTSD , severe depression, where to start?" We offer comprehensive …


I want to get off Prozac, but I can't smoke or apparently eat edibles, suggestions?

"Figured I should elaborate: Smoking- never done it and the smoke from this gives me a migraine. Same with edibles, had a friend make me …


Can this strain cause depression?

OG Kush is a very well known indica strain that is thought to have come from bag seed in the early 90s. It was brought …


Making sure my medications wont affect if I'm using Cannabis as well?

"If you have already been taking sleep medication Trazodone and also Prozac for depression and was recommended Cannibis for my Chronic Back Pain and for …


I would like to start using cannabis, but I worry that it will make me anxious or depressed?

"I have read much online about how cannabis product can induce anxiety. Is this true? My main reason for wanting to try it is to …

Acid Reflux

IBS mixed type symptoms, GERD and cannabis management?

"I have GERD, as well as lifelong IBS mixed type symptoms, in addition to anxiety and depression. I had an emergency cholecystectomy due to rupture/infection …


Does OG Kush help with depression?

"I’ve gone through a rough patch and want a strian that’s good for depression but won’t have me lying on the floor. Is this a …


I need help, dropping one solution for the other and it is making me even more depressed.

"I take a hybrid cbd oil Hart-Tsu for my panic attack and depression.I dropped it after talking to the doctor and started back on Char …