What are products for seniors that have insomnia, depression, anxiety?
"I am tring to get off of clinical meds, which I have low tolerance for and onto cannabis, which I seem to need a high …
What is most effective product for sedation?
"I am a 66 year old male, 170 lbs. I have some health issues including essential hyperteinsion, depression, insomnia. I was diagnosed with MONO in …
How CBD Can Help With Mood Disorders
Mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder affect millions of people of all ages, even children. Prescription medications designed to target neurotransmitters in the …
Easing Seasonal Affective Disorder With CBD
Along with the waning light of the winter season, millions of people start to lose their positive outlook on life at this time of year. …
How CBD Can Relieve Symptoms of Depression
Depression can affect anyone, even children, with symptoms such as sadness, lack of energy, and problems thinking clearly and managing the tasks of daily life. …
Hello, will this help with relieving chronic headaches due to an automobile accident?
"I was in an auto accident about 2 years ago where I was rear-ended by a distracted driver at a stop light, and since then, …
Can someone help me on how to use this?
"I am used to the Valhalla Gummies and I have had to cut other things in half or it would be too strong. I need …
I am 18 years of age but i am diagnosed with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and ptsd. Can i still quality for a medical id? I cannot stand pharmaceutical drugs none of them have worked for me i know cannabis is the right choice.
"(California)" I certainly understand your concerns. Medical Marijuana may be benficial for your condition(s) but we often find that a combination of traditional pharmaceutical medications …
Can Cannabis Help With Grief?
If you’ve ever experienced grief—whether the death of a pet or a loved one, the end of a relationship or any other perceived loss—you know …
Is this product safe for depression and bipolar sufferers?
Hello, Jack Herer would be a good choice during the depressive phase. However, because it is a sativa dominant hybrid, the Jack Herer strain might …
Started taking hemp derived CBD oil and experienced sedation and impairment like a subtle high
"I’m taking the CBD oil to help with depression and while I’m weening off Zoloft. Wondering why I experienced a high and sedation when CBD …
How Cannabis Can Help Manage Depression
According to the World Health Organization, roughly 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide, with 16 million of those individuals in the U.S. alone. Many …