

Struggling with side effects

"I was instructed by my psychiatrist to start CBD oil on top of my Cymbalta because I can’t tolerate going up anymore on the dosage. …


Can you help me?

"I am in pain ALL THE TIME; my diagnosis is chronic back/leg pain, (fibromyalga) severe anxiety disorder, sever depression disorder, and wasting. My normal weight …


I stopped taking cymbalta a week ago and may be in withdrawal.

"Is it safe for me to start using my CBD vape oil now? It is 18-1 concentration." Cymbalta withdrawal can be debilitating and can last …


I just had a recommendation interview. I forgot to say I take 30 mgs of Cymbalta daily. Is that a problem?


What should I use to help with SSRI withdrawal?

"Hi. I’m tapering Cymbalta, Viibryd, Seroquel and Klonopin, 2% each, holding for 3 weeks between tapers. I’m having hell with my 2nd 2% over the …

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