

I smoke 2 bowls every day, how much water do I need to drink for it get out of my system in 2 weeks.

"Need to pass this UA" Hi there! Please keep in mind that the amount of water you need to consume to flush out cannabinoids will …


How do I get a medical marijuana card?

"I tried to do this online with you guys a number of months ago, but there was some glitch and I never followed up. I’ve …


What is the COST ?

"I would like to buy the Lemon/Ginger flavor" The Select Hemp Drops are available for $60 per bottle. Kevin P.


I just received your bath soak. How am I supposed to distribute the ingredients evenly? It appears to be layered. Do I pour it out, mix it up, and then use? How much per bath? Looks lovely in the jar but I’m confused about how to use! Thanks.

"@" From Verte Essentials: "Releasing the the entire contents of the Luxe Soak into the complimentary hand dyed muslin sachet. Place the sachet in your …


Excoriation Disorder

"It is bad, but I need help so I am here. Excoriation is a form of OCD (where I pick my skin) and it is …


Im trying to get off percocet and start cbd oil , I’ve been on 4-6 a day , 5/325

"For about 2 years , i need to know how to transition to cbd oil, idk what ratio , how much and how often please! …


What is the price of this product?

Hi there! The 10 ml bottle of Foria Pleasure is typically $43. However please note the price is subject to change. I hope this information …


What is the price of this product?

We do not carry Peace Naturals products directly on our website at HelloMD but we can get you connected to them if you qualify. Peace …


How much is a renewal?


How much abundance is too much?



Cannabis and Bladder Cancer

Here is a link to a similar question that one of our doctors answered about bladder cancer: nsavelli Hello, A study published in The …


My dad needs help with inflammation, what product is best and how much and how often?

If you are looking for products that would reduce inflammation, my recommendation would be to look for products that are high in CBD. If you …

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