

can you vape with lung cancer?

Hello, I’m really sorry to hear about your diagnosis. While there are no studies involving the matter, I strongly recommend that you abstain from vaporizing …


Will liver cirrhosis affect edibles and tinctures and how they work? I cannot get any relief from edibles.

"Will liver cirrhosis affect edibles and tinctures and how they work? I cannot get any relief from edibles. And I recently got diagnosed with COPD …


Do edibles need a healthy liver?

"I have cirrhosis and COPD so I have a hard time smoking it and for some reason edibles/tinctures do not work at all…#cantgetstoned" Hi there! …


Hi There,

"My Mums recently been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, it’s pretty far along and so I’ve been researching for days. I’m looking at starting …


If I am ill should I refrain from Cannabis?

"I have the flu and bronchitis. I am taking Doxycycline for the bronchitis. I would like to take an infused edible to help me sleep. …


Are marijuana and black seed oil both beneficial to healthy lung function?

There is some scientific evidence to suggest that black seed might help boost the immune system, fight cancer, prevent pregnancy, and lessen allergic reactions by …


What are the best marijuana strains or hybrids to relieve asthma and COPD lung congestion?

In my clinical experience Hemp CBD extract Liposomes have been amazing in their relief and recovery from asthma and symptoms of COPD. Based on the …


Does CBD help with constant pain from copd. Pain in hips,neck,back and legs pain?

Hello! Yes cannabis can help decrease chronic pain. I would recommend to try a 1:1 CBD to THC sublingual tincture and a topical salve. Rub …


Can CBC help manage the chronic pain from obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

"I have constant pain in back and hips and legs." The ideal treatment for chronic pain is a 1:1 CBD/THC, and in your case, I …


Can Rick Simpson (RSO) oil help with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

RSO may help COPD but a far better solution maybe to use CBD (Cannabidiol) to stop the inflammation. You will not be high with CBD …


Does Cannabis help chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (CBD)?

Yes, in my clients I see dramatic results from oral and vape methods. That includes asthmatics. The effects can be seen immediately with relaxation and …