

Can cannabis make your face and/or body feel numb?

"I drank a small quantity, half a glass (2.5 mls of a 5 milligram serving size), of a tincture that had caffeine (mate), maca and …


Can I dab concentrate in a glass pipe using a cigarette lighter?

A lighter won’t heat the glass to the proper temperature needed to vaporize concentrates. You could place the concentrate on some flower and smoke them …


what is the concentration of thca/drop,/droper/anything else


Tinctures – Newbie here…

"I bought Bhutan Mendo Focus 1:1 for my first tincture. It is alcohol based and burns my mouth, so I put it in some cranberry …


Using cannabis tincture for ADHD focus and tolerance…

"My son has ADHD/sleeping problems and we have tried normal drugs in both the stimulant and depressive category with no positive results. We are now …


I'm wondering why smoking cannabis makes may eyes tired?

"It’s hard to for my eyes to focus as well. Hard to see things. " Hi there, Eyes getting tired is a side effect from …


what to take to be creative and have focus at work

"What edibles or other forms are the best to use to have better focus and creativity at work? " I would try micro-dosing with a …


what's the best concentrate for arthrtitis pain?

Numerous cannabis preparations are useful for arthritis pain. I would experiment with different strains, THC:CBD ratios, concentrates, tinctures, and topicals. See what works the best …


Can shatter and crumble or any other concentrate be used sublingually like oil or do you HAVE to smoke?

"Can shatter and crumble or any other concentrate be used sublingually like oil or do you HAVE to smoke it to have any effect?" Shatter …


Smoke or sublingual

"Can shatter and crumble or any other concentrate be used sublingually like oil or do you HAVE to smoke it to have any effect?" You …


What is the best DIY topical cream?

"What’s the best DIY topical cream for arthritis I can make? I am using what concentration oil? I did some research and found that CBD …


Are CBD strains less likely to cause paranoia? Do they typically make CBD strains in a concentrate?

Hi and thank you for your question. CBD strains do have anti-anxiety properties for most people. However, it can depend largely on one’s own personal …