

Help for an overly anxious 10lb rat terrier

"I was recently in Colorado at a dispensary looking for something to help my 10lb rat terrier with severe anxiety. My vet has recommended MANY …


Is Prop 64 modeled on any other (successful) state program?

"How similar is it to states like Colorado that seems to be working well?" Hi! Prop. 64 definitely borrows from other legalization programs such as …


Colorado's experience in regulating MJ pesticides is that "Big Pot" was the single biggest obstacle

"in creating any guidelines for MJ pesticide use: How does prop. 64 empower CA regulatory agencies to behave in the public interest, while EPA …


Are your CBD vape products available in Colorado?

Bloom Farms is currently only available in California. Bloom works specifically with CA, artisanal farmers to provide a superior product to the public. I recently …

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