

One Hemp Farmer’s Transition From Cattle to Cannabis

These days, Americans are discovering, appreciating and enjoying the “other” cannabis: hemp. Though hemp has been documented as one of the nation’s first commercially grown …


10 Award-Winning Strains in Legal Recreational Cannabis States

From Alaska to Maine, here are some of the most popular and award-winning cannabis strains in states that have adult-use marijuana laws on the books. …


Is this web-site only referring to people living in New York or California. I am from Colorado.

Our site is a resource for people who use cannabis for health and wellness, no matter where they reside. For the time being, we only …


Are there any medical doctors in Colorado who are listed with you?

Hi there! At this time, our Doctors service is only available to patient in CA and NY. Keep an eye on our newsletter though. If …


Now that marijuana is legal is Colorado, do I still need a card to purchase the medicinal version?

Yes. Dispensaries in Colorado still have separate medical and recreational counters and they often stock the two with very different products. If you want access …


That's great news about your expanding to New York, do you have any plans to expand out to Colorado?


How do I get a medical marijuana card in Colorado?

To be be eligible for a medical marijuana card in Colorado you must: Be a Colorado resident Be 18 or older Have a qualifying medical …


Colorado to Use Cannabis Tax Revenue for Opioid Addiction Services

Helping Those Addicted to Opioids A new senate bill was signed into law in Colorado this past Wednesday will allow revenue from cannabis sales to …


Can I obtain a California medical marijuana card through your organization?

"I have prescriptions for insomnia (Lunesta, Valium) but have tried indica cannabis edible while in Colorado and found it more effective than prescriptions. I also …


Will California's Innovation Slow: Ask Colorado

As far as the cannabis world is concerned, I have front row seats. I live in Colorado, but for the last 2 years have operated …


How can I get a California State ID while maintaining my driver's license from another state?

"I moved from Colorado to California, and maintain both Medical Marijuana Cards. (thanks for the rec, HelloMD) That being said, several dispensaries within California will …


Do you have to have a medical marijuana card to get the cannibas patch?

"I was reading about the cannibas patch for diabetes pain and fibermyalgia. I have type 1 diabetes and was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I live …