

Glycerine Tinctures

"I was wondering if VG Cannabis tinctures can be vaped in a Mod Vape (ejuice) successfully? I bought some tincture from my dispensary and cant …


I did not get a sticker on the back of my card- and I want one. All the dispensaries ask for it.

"My ID card from HelloMD is useless when going to a dispensary. They all require the letter with the seal and tell me that I …


How do cannabis suppositories work exactly?

The rectal absoprtion of cannabis suppositories is very high, and maybe as high as 75%. Placement of the suppository will have an impact on the …


What are the most reputable dispensaries in the SF Bay Area?

"I would like to go to a dispensary and see a selection of products and talk to knowledgeable people." I would recommend that you check …


Product and dosage suggestions for high tolerance?

"I went to a dispensary over the weekend and got two vapes. One was 110mg (I believe) of CBD for my lower back pain and …


Are Dixie products available in California?

"I have not seen them in my local dispensary, but perhaps they are in others." Dixie products are available in California, as well as Oregon, …


what needs to happen if I wanted to donate some of my medicine to another patient or dispensary

You need to fill out a 25 page form, submit in triplicate and wait 45 days for approval. Just kidding. If you have purchased cannabis …

dry addiction pot leaf

What is the theory behind micro-dosing?

“I have heard budtenders in my dispensary talk about taking small amounts of edibles throughout the day. What is the theory behind talking small amounts …


Why is my medical marijuana card not accepted at my local dispensary?

"I went to my local dispensary and handed them my medical card. They wanted to see my letter of recommemdation, not my card. I prefer …


I've received my medical recommendation but feel uncomfortable going to a dispensary. What should I expect when I go?

"I am 65 and totally new to this and feel very uncomfortable showing up at a dispensary! I have looked online but don’t really understand …


Now that I know I want cannabis product that is higher in CBD than it is THC, where do I go to get it?

"Every dispensary that I have gone to (online or offline) has had little to no product that is higher in CBD than THC. The preference …


If I apply for a medical marijuana card will my employer know that I have one? I need it for a medical condition.

"I have used marijuana for a long time but actually want to get a card to go to a local dispensary. I’m worried that my …