I have high blood pressure and cholesterol, currently taking daily Crestor (cholesterol),
Cannabis suppository
"I am trying to use cannabis suppository , but I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and I was taking Topro xl (meta block) and …
i am try to use cannabis suppository but i have high blood pressure
How long should a scleroderma patient take THC oil for and is it contra-indicated with prescription drugs?
"Hello, a friend has scleroderma&is being treated with:Setraline 100mg(anti-depressant),lisinopril 5mg(for hypertension)& hydroxychloquine sulfate 20g(antirheumatic).She will soon start a course of THC oil with the intention …
How does pot affect blood pressure?
Blood pressure consists of two numbers, systolic and diastolic. Cannabis is thought to reduce blood pressure due to the dilation of the peripheral vessels, this …
Can cannabis help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics?
Hello and thank you for the great question, While I wouldn’t recommend that you use cannabis as the only form of treatment for diabetes, there …
Are there any cannabis solutions to help with circulation?
"My mother recently had a double mastectomy and has poor blood circulation to the area, this can lead to infection. Is there anything she can …
Taking Candesartan for NDPH has given me low blood pressure is it safe to take CBD/THC while on this drug
Hello, Yes, This angiotensin receptor blocker has minor metabolic inteaction with the P-450 system. Medical marijuana is relatively safe and most potential interactions that have …
Is it safe to take CBD along with antihypertensive medications?
"I’m taking 8mg daily of Candesartan and it has lowered my blood pressure. Is it safe to take CBD along with it?" Yes, I’ve never …
Can Marijuana Act As a Blood Thinner?
Marijuana may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with drugs that increase the risk of bleeding. Some examples include aspirin, anticoagulants (blood thinners), such …
Can CBD oil (50/50 RSO) be used while taking prescription drugs for low blood pressure?
Cannabis can lower your blood pressure so I am not certain if it would present a problem for you or not. You could try the …
Can cannbis help your red blood cell count go up?
I am not aware of this being a direct result of cannabis use or most people using cannabis would experience this issue. Usually if you …